TOP 10 MOST INFLUENTIAL JOURNALISTS COVERING GRID 04.26.04 NEWSFLASH HPCwire ============================================================================== [ ] 95018 ) TOP 10 MOST INFLUENTIAL JOURNALISTS COVERING GRID In a recent survey conducted by Portland, Ore.-based Grid Strategies Inc, users and vendors of the rapidly growing computing paradigm known as Grid computing, were asked to name the journalists they believe will be most influential in communicating the potential of Grid computing to the global business community. For the full story, see, or place an X or x (no other character please) in between the [ ]'s of the article and send to ______________________________________________________________________ | Full background information on all leading HPC solution providers | | Firms marked with an * have updated their info in the last 30 days | | | | | | [ ] 555)*OctigaBay [ ] 946) Quadrics | | [ ] 921) SGI [ ] 947) Etnus / TotalView | | [ ] 529) Linux Networx [ ] 934) Hewlett-Packard | | [ ] 541) MSC Software [ ] 930) NEC | | [ ] 539) Microsoft [ ] 902) IBM Corp. | | [ ] 556)*Annapolis Micro Systems [ ] 552) Appro | | [ ] 536) Myricom [ ] 942) Sun Microsystems | | [ ] 554)*Cray [ ] 527) Intel | | [ ] 548) CSILabs [ ] 530)*Pathscale | | [ ] 540)*Paracel | | | | | | For sponsorship information contact: | |______________________________________________________________________| Ref: hpflo3229